Surprising Self Portrait Ideas that Will Amaze You

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A self-portrait is a pic that depicts the photographer who took it. This genre is meant to show a shooter’s personality in a professional way, which cannot be said about a selfie. This is a piece of art that demands expertise and preparation from the person who shoots it.

Self-photography ideas will be beneficial for those who want to improve their photography skills, enrich their portfolio, and upgrade their profile pic social media, or CV. Such a photo session is a great way to discover more about your appearance and inner world.

1. Use Fairy Lights

creative portrait ideas fairy lights

If you are interested in dreamy and magical self-portrait ideas, incorporate fairy lights. Discover some original ways to light your face and add some spice to the background. Raise the lights in front of the camera and check whether they aren’t covering it entirely to produce a gorgeous bokeh.


FixThePhoto Experts’ Tip: If your fairy lights do not provide enough illumination, select another light source to make sure that your face is not hidden in shadows. For example, if you want to add a warm glow to your face, a sparkler is one of the best available solutions. Using it, you’ll manage to highlight the contrast between the warmth of a face and cool tones in the background in your portrait photo.

2. Shoot Yourself in a Mirror

mirror self portrait idea

One of the cool portrait ideas is to hold a small portable mirror at arm’s length and take a unique picture of yourself in the reflection. To add a creative touch to your photography, take advantage of a broken mirror and think of mirror picture poses.

3. Look for Reflective Surfaces

creative portrait ideas through window

When walking down the street, look out for reflective surfaces for taking unique self portraits photos. It may be windows, puddles, or metallic surfaces. The variety of such things is endless and they can really diversify your self-portraiture.

Try to take photos through bokeh filters (to make bokeh star- or heart-shaped) or cellophane (for a dreamy look).


FixThePhoto Experts’ Tip: If you use a window when taking pics, avoid standing straight in front of it. It is better to shoot at an angle and set the timer.

4. Make a Diptych or Triptych

make a triptych self portrait idea

Diptychs and triptychs present two or three pics. By mixing several images, you can easily create a narrative through your self-portraits. Position your camera at various angles, playing with light or capturing different emotions on your face.

self portrait idea make a triptych

Switch on the burst mode and take pics of yourself while performing some actions to catch some interesting moments.

5. Embellish Your Photo With Rainbow

creative portrait ideas prism

For taking such unique self portraits, you need to use a glass photography prism to twist light to create colorful flare and reflections. Just locate a glass prism in front of the camera and you will see an impressive rainbowy play of light on your face.

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Improve Your Portraits with Retouching

FixThePhoto retouchers can help you fix all the defects on the skin in your portrait pics, improve your hairdo, and apply digital makeup. The whole retouching process lasts from one to three business days

6. Add Intrigue with Shadows

creative portrait ideas shadows

Though the light is of tremendous importance, you may use the lack of it to your advantage to realize fantastic self-portrait photography ideas. With shadows, it is easy to cover the part of your face or body to create some sophisticated effect. For such shadow photos, choose an interesting place that can cast original shadows on you like lace curtains, palm leaves, water, architectural elements, etc.


FixThePhoto Experts’ Tip: Remember that all common rules of creating photographic composition (like the rule of thirds, leading lines, etc) work for self-portraits as well!

7. Leave Part of Your Face Out of Frame

cool portraits ideas hiding face

Among self portraits ideas with a captivating focal point, concealing one side of your face is a truly amazing one. You may hide yourself with the help of a variety of objects – the one which is important to you, tree leaves, curtains, your hands, hair, whatever you think will fit.

8. Select the Color of Your Portrait

creative portrait ideas color scheme

The chosen color should be associated with you, match your personality, and harmonize with your overall look. Do not stick to a single color, tinkering with similar shades.

For instance, it may be yellow. Then take yellow clothing, hold a yellow object in your hand, and locate yourself against a yellow background. Various tones will produce a marvelous effect.

Use the Fix The Photo Editor & Retouch app to improve the tones in a photo, change the color scheme, or even add some objects. Unlike tools that rely entirely on AI, here all manipulations are performed manually by professional retouchers.

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9. Capture Every Detail in Close-Up

close up self portrait idea

Shoot yourself in macro to put emphasis on a specific part of the body or facial feature. Such images will turn out really intimate and will differ from regular self portrait photo ideas.

10. Go Nude

cool portraits ideas nude

I am sure that not everybody will appreciate fine art nude photography as self-portrait ideas. However, this kind of shooting may be rather artful due to the combination of correct lighting and natural human body lines and curves.

You don’t have to be totally naked in case it makes you feel uneasy, you may just take off your top or beautifully hide your intimate parts and convey the sense of nudity.

11. With Your Pet

cool portraits ideas with a pet

In case you have a dog, a cat, or other pets, try adding them to your cool self portraits. Keep in mind that pets do not tend to pose motionless, so it is better to prepare different poses to give your furry friend a bit of freedom and take several heart-warming shots.

12. Shoot a Series of Pics

cool portraits ideas expressions

One of the most prominent self-portrait photography series ideas is to imagine yourself as an actor and display different emotions capturing each of them on camera.

Many famous self portrait photographers resorted to the trick of taking a series of shots. In case you just need a single shot, it won’t hurt to take more than five pictures. This way, you may choose a different pose or emotion for each photograph.

13. Frame Yourself with Hands

frame yourself with hands self portrait ideas

If you are in search of original self portrait ideas, framing is probably one of the greatest ones. There are many examples of framing it is possible to build using such natural objects as leaves or branches. Besides, you can create a frame with your hands without involving any additional props in your photoshoot.

14. Experiment with Shooting Angles

cool portraits ideas angles

Shooting from an eye level is a common practice among photographers. However, as practice shows, you’ll get more interesting results when tinkering with various angles and viewpoints. Besides, the original perspective can help you look at yourself from the outside revealing new facets of your personality.


FixThePhoto Experts’ Tip: Keep in mind that low-angle shots make the subject seem taller, while high-angle pics offer the opposite effect.

15. Use Glitter

self portrait idea with glitter

You will certainly get shining and interesting self portraits if you involve glitter powder. You may blow it in the direction of the lens or cover your body and face with it.

self portrait example with glitter

If you do not want to spend hours getting your shooting space tidy after such a photoshoot, add glitter digitally with the help of free overlays.

16. Turn Your Photos into Black and White

black and white cool portraits ideas

No matter what self portrait photo ideas you realize, you can always use them to create timeless and gorgeous black and white shots.

If you want to highlight different textures of your pic, B&W portrait photos will let you do so. For example, try to capture yourself against a concrete wall texture to create an interesting composition.


FixThePhoto Experts’ Tip: When editing pics, try various contrast configurations. Increase it a bit and you’ll manage to turn a boring black-and-white photo into an original composition.

17. Include Colored Details

include colored details to self portrait ideas

Adding several colored details to B&W pics is among the most eccentric self photography ideas. These can be eyes or lips, or some props like brush, perfume, or apple.

18. Capture Motion Blur

creative portrait ideas motion blur

Shooting yourself in motion is one of the most unusual self portrait ideas. Just set a slow shutter speed and do some action in front of the lens. This interesting technique allows making still pic more dynamic. Use long exposure if you want to make a false impression of several people floating in the pic.

19. Look Through the Glass

look through the glass self portrait ideas

You will need glass and paint or other objects to implement this idea. Place the glass before the camera and decorate it to match your image.

20. Capture You Silhouette

creative portrait ideas silhouette

One of the most beautiful examples of creative self portrait photography is a picture of a human silhouette. To realize this idea, locate a bright lighting source in the background. When shooting outdoors, everything – from streetlamps to sun, moon, or bonfire may serve as a lighting source.


FixThePhoto Experts’ Tip: When shooting silhouette photography avoid using automated camera configurations, as they will likely spoil the silhouette effect by setting the “correct” aperture and shutter speed. Use low ISO and fast shutter speed, and configure the aperture based on the illumination.

21. Play with Double Exposure

double exposure self portrait photography actions double exposure self portrait photography actions

Unique self portrait ideas involve using double exposure. Shoot yourself displaying various emotions, blend yourself with a picture of your favorite animal, or overlay your self portrait with a landscape or cityscape.

If you have never experimented with double exposure photography before, you had better choose a dark portrait shot as the base one. Then layer a bright pic over it. The effect will be fantastic if the brighter photo features many intricate details or original textures.


FixThePhoto Experts’ Tip: If you are looking for a simple way to combine two pics in Ps, layer them and select the “screen” blending mode.

22. Create an Artistic Effect Using Lights

self portrait idea with various light

Those who want to amaze their Instagram followers with amazing pic should try to tinker with lighting as such experiments allow realizing cool self portrait ideas. It is easy to achieve an artistic effect with LED lamps or neon lights.

self portrait idea with color gels

For diverse and cool self portrait ideas, try using color gels. These are color filters that should be located in front of strobe lights or off-camera flashes. I suggest mixing red and blue color gels on a dimmed background for a trendy look.

23. Add Fire

self portrait ideas with fire

Add fire to your self-portrait – you can pose with a burning match or candle in the foreground. You can also create amazing fire photography at the post-editing stage using free actions.

The collection of filters allows for adding fire to both the foreground and background of the photo. The range of effects you can achieve with these actions is really huge including extensive blaze, subtle flame, etc. The filters are compatible with Photoshop CS 4-6 and Photoshop CC.

24. Become a Work of Art

creative portrait ideas painting

Creating fluorescent shots is one of the most creative self-portrait ideas. To realize it, you’ll need neon paint and ultraviolet light. The procedure itself is quite intuitive: apply some paint to a photo with a paper napkin to create texture, and use a toothbrush to splatter some paint chaotically. Now it is a turn of the blacklight.

Conveniently, you can create such neon photos in Adobe Photoshop, and add to them some glow and dreamy touch. Take advantage of a tripod, as you’ll need to take photos with extremely low shutter speed. As a result, you will get a truly artful, colorful, and bold self portrait.

25. Make an Underwater Shot

surreal self portrait ideas underwater

To realize even more cool portrait ideas, shoot yourself underwater. For such a photoshoot you’ll need to prepare a housing for your camera specifically made for underwater photography. It is also recommended to attach a wide-angle lens to your device and use a 25mm focal distance.

26. Portrait of Your Shadow

self portrait idea with shadow

Capture your shadow while doing your favorite activity or simply posing against a wall. Play with your angle and the size of shadows, or add a shape, a bouquet of flowers, or a musical instrument into the frame.

27. Replace Face with the Reflection

self portrait idea with reflection

Take a mirror and shoot it instead of your face. Capture what is reflected in the mirror - a flower, a decorative element, a beautiful landscape. You can also add your reflection at the post-production stage.

28. Include Projector

self portrait idea with projector

Another simple self-portrait idea is to position yourself in front of a projector and capture the image projected on your face.

self portrait example with projector

FixThePhoto Experts’ Tip: As you’ll have to shoot in low lighting conditions, setting the right parameters is crucial. Choose 1000 ISO or more, Manual or Aperture Priority shooting mode, f/1.2 or f/1.8 aperture, shutter speed between 1/60th to 1/100th of a second.

29. Divide a Photo into Pieces

divide a photo into pieces for self portrait ideas

To realize this idea, you’ll need to use photo editing software for PC or Mac. To make such a beautiful collage, take several close-up shots or leverage the Crop tool.

30. Express Personality Through a Faceless Portrait

faceless self portrait idea

Faceless portraits boost the viewer’s interest and induce them to uncover the model’s face, emotion, or story. The only minus of this approach is that they do not feature facial expressions depicting only a person’s silhouette. Therefore it is important to select interesting locations and use original poses and accessories.

31. Create a Composition with Butterflies

self portrait idea with butterflies

Visit your local craft shop and purchase artificial butterflies for your photoshoot.

self portrait example with butterflies

With the help of these accessories, you can create several frames with completely different moods - a delicate composition with adorable insects or a frame worthy of a horror movie.

32. Add Magic at Post-Production Stage

surreal self portrait ideas levitation

Such creative self portrait ideas in photography aren’t really widespread, mostly because they aren’t so easy to implement. To make the illusion that you are floating above the ground, first take a photo of yourself lying on some object, a chair, for example. And then delete this item in Photoshop.

33. Use a Water Glass

surreal self portrait ideas water glass

For a memorable surrealist self portrait, take advantage of a refractive effect of glass and water to twist and distort your face. Feel free to play around with numerous glasses.

34. Use Balloons in a Creative Way

self portrait idea with balloons

Balloons are great props for realizing cool self portrait ideas. You can adorn a room with them, or include this decoration when conducting photoshoots in water or in the field.

self portrait example with balloons

Another trick is to cover part of your face with the balloon and integrate it into your look.

35. Through the Lens

surreal self portrait ideas through lens

Simple yet creative self portrait ideas involve your camera lens. Just take off its rear and front cap. A short lens, for instance, a 50 mm prime one, will perfectly fit your hand.

Face your camera, hold the lens in front of you, and take a picture. For a stunning result, you should be seen clearly in the center of the lens, so put a mirror in front of yourself.

Bonus Tools

Keep pose cards handy. Thanks to them, you will always have an interesting idea for a new self-portrait photo.

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If you have Lightroom installed, take advantage of the program’s presets. They are fully adjustable, you may tweak the parameters and achieve the desired effect in no time. This pack is compatible with Lightroom Desktop and Mobile versions.

self portrait ideas bonus tools

Tata Rossi

Tech Trends Journalist

Tata Rossi is a photographer-advisor, key contributor at FixThePhoto, sharing her expertise about photography and 55% of photos you see at our blog are taken by her. She is a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. She is the main so-called teacher in our team, conducting courses on photography and editing for beginners and anyone interested.

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Tetiana Kostylieva

Photo & Video Insights Blogger

Tetiana Kostylieva is the content creator, who takes photos and videos for almost all FixThePhoto blog articles. Her career started in 2013 as a caricature artist at events. Now, she leads our editorial team, testing new ideas and ensuring the content is helpful and engaging. She likes vintage cameras and, in all articles, she always compares them with modern ones showing that it isn’t obligatory to invest in brand-new equipment to produce amazing results.

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