How to Take Construction Site Photography: Tips & Gear

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Using construction site photography tips, photographers can improve the quality of captured photos and demonstrate their expertise. When I was contacted by a client who works in the construction industry, he told me that his target clients are looking for a trusted company with a professional portfolio only.

The easiest way to show that a company is a reliable partner is to use high-quality photos of construction sites. In this article, I decided to share my recommendations on how to select gear and capture excellent photos that will help you find clients and contractors.

What Equipment and Tools to Use

construction site photography tips gear

Camera. You can easily buy an excellent DSLR camera for a few hundred bucks. However, if you do not have a lot of money to spend, you can use a tablet or smartphone with a decent camera.

Many recently released smartphones are fitted with excellent cameras. I was doing architecture photography on multiple construction sites using iPhone 15 and was able to take great photos for social media campaigns.

Tripod. A decent tripod will help you stabilize your camera and take high-quality photos, as it will be easier for you to focus. Besides, when doing construction site photography using a tripod, you can quickly capture before-and-after pics from the same location. I recommend choosing between tripods from popular brands, such as Manfrotto and Joby.

A digital floor-plan app. It allows me to scan any room using my smartphone’s camera and produce a floor plan without wasting much time. When documenting any location, I can upload actual photos of a room, add notes, save the floor plan with pictures, create a report, and send it via email.

  • I recommend using the following apps: MagicPlan, Room Planner, InkscapePlanner 5D.

Online cloud storage for photo. This option is perfect if you need to take a lot of job-site pics. I prefer to use Adobe Creative Cloud. I like the fact that it allows me to use popular photo editing programs. Its plans include such apps as Lightroom and Photoshop. Using such tools, I can process RAW photos, which makes it perfect for professional photographers.

What Types of Construction to Shoot

construction site photography types

Before hiring a photographer, think about the type of photos you need. You may need to learn more about the various phases of a project and capture pictures at every stage.

Pre-Construction Photography. Before the start of a project, you may need to capture the location to facilitate planning and analyze the perspectives. Besides, documenting the job site before a project starts will allow you to protect your business and ensure the safety of workers. In addition, you will be able to order the materials you need and help your employees visualize everything and make the necessary preparations.

When photographers take a construction site photo before the beginning of a project, they prefer to use natural light or a limited number of light sources and do not edit photos. Such pictures are used for documentation purposes, as they allow stakeholders to see how a location looked before the start of the project.

progress construction site photography

Progress Photography. Such photos are taken to document various stages of a project. They may include people if it’s necessary to capture employees when they work. There is no need to use many sources of lighting or edit photos too much unless photos are taken for marketing campaigns.

final construction site photography

Final Photography. When taking pics, be sure to capture interior and exterior photos, take overview pics, and capture aerial or drone photos. It will give you plenty of options to choose from when compiling reports about the state of the construction site, launching marketing campaigns, and preparing publications.

To get high-quality content, pay attention to lighting and make sure to enhance your photos afterward. When taking pictures, I typically use a variety of techniques, for instance, leading lines and the rule of thirds. Most construction companies ask photographers to take photos without people in them, however, some clients may ask a photographer to include workers in the frame.

drone construction site photography tips

In addition, I often shoot drone and real estate aerial photography. Using drones is quite convenient if you know handy construction site photo tips. Besides, it makes it easier to capture low-altitude photos (5 ft to 100 ft) and take pics across the face of the building.

Booking a plane or helicopter ride will allow you to capture magnificent views of a territory and show how it is connected to the cities nearby. Planes enable you to capture buildings in a realistic way. Drones with a wide angle lens can make buildings seem larger. Planes allow a photographer to capture professional pictures of buildings in their immediate surroundings.

Please note! Remember to read the existing air restrictions and regulations to learn how to work in a specific location. Hiring a licensed, professional photographer will allow you to get a top-quality drone or aerial footage and avoid FAA fines.

Tips to Shoot Awesome Construction Site Photos

While it’s crucial to keep your main subject in mind, you should also consider how the construction site photo will be used. If you need to take photos for marketing materials, they should be of high quality. You will also need to save them in a suitable format. Be sure to take vertical images for online publications, as it will make it easier for designers to add text.

Visit the Site Beforehand

It’s important to visit the location of the photoshoot well in advance. It will help you decide on the elements you need to capture and consider what areas won’t be completed in time before the photoshoot. Then, you can talk to the project manager and other specialists and make relevant suggestions that will help you get better photos.

Remember About Safety

construction site photography safety rules

Make sure to read the rules to navigate the construction site without endangering yourself and other people. Communicate with the site manager and learn about the rules you should adhere to. You can also show them the photos and discuss the object that you want to exclude.

Doing construction site photography requires following safety guidelines. Remember that you should not take photos of people who stay under the lifting load or do not wear hard hats.

Lighting Matters

While you can rely on natural light in some situations, all too often you will need to use extra sources of light when doing interior photography. By adding such lights to your setup, you can use shadows to focus a viewer’s attention on specific objects.

In some locations, you won’t need to use more than two lights, however, in other locations, you may need to add more than eight lights to your setup.

construction site photography tips lighting

When taking exterior photos, you must also consider lighting. If you want to capture a building, you can ask your photographer to capture it in low light. It will allow you to get pictures with soft shadows and well-balanced interior and exterior lighting.

Depending on the location, you can take such photos at sunrise or sunset. It makes sense to capture some buildings at midday, however, such cases are an exception. Most buildings will have high-contrast areas between highlights and shadows, which will affect the overall quality of your pics.

Make a Shot List

construction site photography tips shot list

While taking before-and-after photos and capturing the progress is important, I also usually take photos of problematic areas. If builders face any obstacle, be sure to take a photo of a difficult area and send it to stakeholders to help them come up with a solution.

Besides, I typically take photos of specific details. Close-ups allow me to emphasize important details and confirm that they were built properly.

Tip: Keep it realistic. Prioritize quality over quantity. If you pay your photographer for a half day of work, keep in mind that they will need to spend some time setting up the equipment. It could take a photographer half an hour to take pictures of a lobby, but most professionals won’t spend more than 10 minutes in a hallway. If you aren’t sure whether your shot list is adequate, discuss it with your photographer.

Change Your Perspective

change the perspective of construction site photo

Try taking a construction site photo from a higher or lower vantage point. If you want to emphasize specific details, you may come closer. It’s important to capture every construction site from different angles.

Stay Steady

Make sure to stabilize your camera properly to avoid making your pics blurry. You may sit down or find a support to lean on.

Skip the Zoom

construction site photography tips skip the zoom

Do not rely on a digital zoom, as the quality of your photos will suffer drastically. In most cases, it is better to get closer to the construction you want to capture.

Crop Your Photos

If you took a great photo, but think that the ceiling or floor takes up too much space, cropping in photography is a useful technique that will help you fix this issue. For instance, if you have captured a specific element and think that it looks too distracting, it may be better to crop it.

Experienced photographers know how to capture photos with extra space and crop them afterward to improve the composition or use empty space to add captions. You can capture a picture from a specific angle knowing that you can crop it later if necessary.

Be Realistic while Editing

When editing photos, be sure to keep some details unaltered. For instance, you may delete distracting signs and wires, make pavements cleaner, reduce shadows, make the lawn greener, and edit the sky.

However, you should show the construction site itself as it is. If your photo looks overly edited, it will make a viewer distrust it. The photos that are edited too much do not have the same impact as unaltered images.

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Organize Your Photos

construction site photography organizing tips

There is no need to spend hours looking through hundreds of construction site pics to find a specific image. You can conveniently put your pictures into folders and add labels containing important information, including project names, dates, and invoice numbers. I prefer to use photo organizing software like Adobe Bridge and Google Photos.

Tip: Be sure to name individual shots properly. For instance, "2025-07-08-kitchenceiling.jpg" could be a suitable name for a kitchen remodeling or restoration photo taken on July 8, 2025.

My Recommendations to Those Who Shoot With Phones

construction site mobile photography tips
  • Be sure to visit the construction site to see everything in detail. It’s one of the most useful construction site photography tips, as you will learn what details you need to focus on.
  • Do not use the flash: This piece of advice is important for all photographers, not only those who capture construction sites.
  • Use the grid to capture pictures with a straight horizon and vertical walls. It will give your pictures a professional feel.
  • When taking photos, ensure that the sun is behind you: it will allow you to capture rich colors. You may also shoot some objects with backlight if you want to emphasize some details.
  • Use automated editing tools: The ‘magic wand’ feature will help you quickly enhance your pictures and ensure that they look more attention-grabbing.

How to Find a Project Photographer/Videographer

If you want to get professional photos, find the right professional for your photoshoot. I recommend hiring real estate photographers.

You can easily find them using Google search by keywords like construction site photographers, construction photographer near me, construction workers photography, construction site progress photos, construction site inspection photography, construction site marketing photos on such platforms as Reddit, UpWork, and Behance.

After finding suitable candidates, make sure to take a closer look at their portfolios. Experienced photographers and videographers have official websites or social media pages where you can see their past projects.

Besides, you may talk to contractors and architects and ask them whether they could recommend photographers to you. Communicating with other industry professionals will allow you to get invaluable feedback on how photographers work with their clients, how quickly they send photos, and how much they charge.

Tata Rossi

Tech Trends Journalist

Tata Rossi is a photographer-advisor, key contributor at FixThePhoto, sharing her expertise about photography and 55% of photos you see at our blog are taken by her. She is a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. She is the main so-called teacher in our team, conducting courses on photography and editing for beginners and anyone interested.

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Tetiana Kostylieva

Photo & Video Insights Blogger

Tetiana Kostylieva is the content creator, who takes photos and videos for almost all FixThePhoto blog articles. Her career started in 2013 as a caricature artist at events. Now, she leads our editorial team, testing new ideas and ensuring the content is helpful and engaging. She likes vintage cameras and, in all articles, she always compares them with modern ones showing that it isn’t obligatory to invest in brand-new equipment to produce amazing results.

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