Real Estate Photography Classes To Attend in 2025

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Are you a beginner real estate agent, photographer, or homeowner looking for real estate photography classes to learn how and where to find potential solvent clients and what methods to use to sell the property? If yes, check this list of great courses and online masterclasses for any budget. No one will force you to attend classes, you can study whenever you want, using your smartphone. 

Top 20 Real Estate Photo Classes, Courses, Schools

Real estate photography is a very competitive sphere, so you have to improve your skills all the time to surpass your rivals. Being a professional, you can increase your reach by 500% or more, thus extending your clientele base to amazing ranges.

To enter the field, you don’t necessarily have to go to a university and spend there many years to get a degree. An alternative way to acquire the needed skills the knowledge is to use online courses. For you to choose the most suitable real estate photography classes, I have divided them into several groups based on location, budget, time frame, and level of complexity.

1. The Picture Correct Team’s Architectural Course

real estate photography classes by picturecorrect

Course name: “Mastering Architecture”
Location: Online
Cost: Free
Level: Intermediate & professional
Duration: Not specified

If you haven’t bought equipment yet, this real estate photography course is worth checking out. You will learn about the most reliable gear to take high-quality images, how to combine different light sources, and how to find a winning angle. Many topics covered are specifically devoted to lighting techniques. You will understand how to photograph without light, with flashes and umbrellas, and with a flash.

2. FixThePhoto Real Estate Photo Classes & Tutorials

real estate photography classes by fixtephoto

Course name: “Real Estate Photography”
Location: Online
Cost: Free
Level: Beginner, intermediate, professional
Duration: 30 min and more

Our website contains over 50 real estate photography classes and tips for beginner and seasoned photographers, lots of video tutorials on image retouching and suitable programs for the task.

Besides, you can get in touch with skilled retouchers and order high-quality editing services. Another nice offer is to download free Photoshop actions for product photography to improve images on your own. Actions are compatible with almost all Photoshop, including CS3-6 and CC.

3. How to Take Photos with iPhone

real estate photography classes by smartphonephotographytraining

Course name: “Photography on a Smartphone”
Location: Online
Cost: Free
Level: Not specified
Duration: 30 min and more

This is one of the best real estate photography classes online for those shooters, who want to take great images using their smartphones. You will learn what accessories you should buy for a more convenient shooting process and what programs to use for instant editing. The lecturers also dwell on how to organize photo sessions and work in different lighting conditions.

4. What Equipment You Need (YouKeepShooting)

Course name: “Mastering Photography for Architecture and Real Estate”
Location: Online
Cost: $69.00
Level: Middle & Expert
Duration: Not specified

The course is more suitable for experts and those, who have some experience in this genre. You can expand your knowledge about camera settings, how to use an exposure triangle in real estate photography, and in what way to correct colors in Lightroom. Such topics as additional accessories, tripods, and additional accessories are also described in detail.

5. Tips & Tricks for Photographers (GreatPhotographyCourses)

Course name: “Mastering Architecture and Real Estate”
Location: Online
Cost: $59.00
Level: Middle & Expert
Duration: 12 hours

If you already know the basics, you can level up your skills, choosing this real estate photography course. You’ll learn how to work with additional lighting, use shadows to highlight interior and important details, how to edit images in Lightroom and Photoshop, and what is the essence of the HDR effect in real estate photography.

6. BPSOP’s Real Estate Photography Courses (BPSop)

Course name: “Mastering Photography for Architecture and Real Estate”
Location: Online
Cost: $129.00
Level: Intermediate & professional
Duration: 4 weeks

If real estate is your true calling, you should pay special attention to this course prepared by Charlie Borland. The instructor explains to students how to illuminate interior to make a room welcoming, how to control the color balance of lighting and achieve a perfect balance between indoor and outdoor scenes, how to find a storytelling angle and what to do if lighting conditions are poor, how to fix screwed colors, and more.

7. Architectural Photo Courses by Mike Kelley (CreativeLive)

Course name: “Real Estate and Architecture”
Location: Online
Cost: $39.00
Level: Not specified
Duration: 2.35 min

What is the best way to photograph property? Should you stick to a realistic approach or try embellishing a scene? How to adjust lighting, choose angles, and how much of your unique shooting style should be visible in a frame? If any of these questions have ever popped up in your mind, you should check this real estate photography course!

Mike Kelley uses a step-by-step method to explain to students how to take a real estate photography image – from the preparatory stage, to photo editing and delivery. He also shares samples of well-designed portfolios. The course also includes 17 lessons on how to photograph real estate in HD format.

8. Learn Real Estate with Rich Baum

Rick Baum has managed to create a fantastic channel, which currently has over 10K subscribers passionate about real estate photography. It appeared on 10.12.2011 and since then has become a treasury for all people involved in shooting and selling property.

Here you can learn how to fix fan shadows with an ambient exposure, work with extreme white balance values, build a composition property, and more. He also describes his favorite real estate photography equipment that has been tested in numerous situations.

9. Andrew Pece Knows How to Increase Your Salary

This channel was created in 2015 with the aim to describe real estate photography as comprehensively as possible. Though the number of subscribers isn’t that large (1100), the channel is developing at its own pace. There are many informative videos about top-quality real estate photography lens models, tripods, drones.

Andrew also has a selection of short but useful tips – “10 ways to save time as a real estate photographer”, “website design for real state beginners”, “how to increase your real estate photography salary fast" and more.

10. Professional Tips for Bathroom Images (Scott Hargis)

real estate photography classes by scott hargis

Course name: "Bathrooms"
Location: Online
Cost: By subscription - $19.99/month
Level: Intermediate
Duration: 1.29 min

You are unlikely to find a better real estate photography class if you are mainly interested in photographing bathrooms. The lecturer, Scott Hargis, provides detailed recommendations on how to illuminate a room, build a composition, and apply stylization touches without going overboard. He shares 3 different methods of how to take images of one and the same space.

The first method is suitable if you have limited shooting time, the second – if you need to take photos for a portfolio, and the third approach works for cases when you need visual content for specialized real estate magazines. The third method is the most difficult one. The last part of the class is devoted to professional photo processing.

11. Pricing & Customers (Scott Hargis)

Course name: "Marketing Pricing and Client Relations"
Location: Online
Cost: By subscription - $19.99/month
Level: Intermediate
Duration: 2.32 min

If you are well-aware of the technical side of the process and even have practical experience, but want to fill the gaps in the financial aspect of your profession, this course is bound to come in handy. Scott Hargis explores the business side starting with pricing and marketing and moving toward proper communication with clients. In a short period of time, you will learn how to draw up your first real estate photography contract manage finances.

12. Exterior Photos for Real Estate at Twilight (Scott Hargis)

Course name: "Exterior at Twilight"
Location: Online
Cost: By subscription - $19.99/31 days
Level: Intermediate
Duration: 1 hour

Many photographers try taking real estate photos at twilight, but few really manage to do it properly. If you want to learn how to work at this period of a day and get mesmerizing pictures, make use of this real estate photography workshop. Scott Hargis, a skilled and popular photographer, shows how to photograph exterior at twilight, combine natural and artificial lighting to minimize noise and highlight a building in the frame.

His classes are ideal for those in need of short yet informative lessons. So, if you are just learning how to get into real estate photography and want to do everything right, this course can be a great jump-off point for you.

13. Editing Tips for Kitchen Images (Scott Hargis)

real estate photography classes by scott hargis

Course name: "Kitchens"
Location: Online
Cost: By subscription - $19.99/month
Level: Intermediate
Duration: 1.12 min

For some people, the kitchen is the heart of a house, so you need to photograph such a room with special care. Unlike bathrooms, there aren’t many reflective surfaces and limited spaces in a kitchen, but you have to still remember various tricky elements. The course was developed by Scott Hargis with the aim to help newbies understand how to set up a camera and lighting equipment based on the peculiarities of a room.

14. Two Precision Camera & Video’s Classes (AustinRealEstatePhotography)

Course name: “Basic Real Estate”
Location: Austin, TX
Cost: $99.00
Level: Beginner
Duration: 3 hours

This is one of the most in-depth real estate photography classes you can find in 2021. You will learn how to analyze shooting equipment, create and adjust composition, spruce up large spaces, set up your camera and alter parameters in accordance with lighting conditions. Though the course is rather long, it covers all crucial aspects a beginner must know.

Course name: “Advanced Real Estate”
Location: Austin, TX
Cost: $139.00
Level: Advanced
Duration: 6 hours

If you have finished the basic course or already know the fundamentals of real estate photography, you can move to this class. Within 6 hours, you will learn composition styles, how to build a frame and how to focus on particular elements using light. The biggest advantage of the course, is that organizers devote lots of time to work with different light sources, so you can avoid many mistakes made by novices.

If you happen to live in Australia and want to learn more about real estate photography in Sydney, make sure to read this blog. You will find many cool concepts and photo samples for inspiration.

15. Job Description with Rock Brook Camera

real estate photography classes by rockbrookcamera

Course name: “Real Estate Photography Class Omaha”
Location: Omaha, NE
Cost: $40.00
Level: Intermediate
Duration: 1 hour

This is a purpose-built real estate photography course, which helps understand how to organize a photo session, deal with interior and lighting issues. Besides, it covers an important business aspect, namely, how to sell property photos taken with DSLR or mirrorless camera.

16. Real Estate Photography Classes Atlanta (AtlSchoolOfPhoto)

Course name: “Architecture/REP”
Location: Atlanta
Cost: $50.00
Level: Not specified
Duration: 3 hours

If you want to be in full control of the shooting process, you have to know about a manual camera mode as much as possible. This course is devoted to this topic, and also contains tips on how to photograph on the go and choose the correct lenses. Another interesting theme is HDR, while section with business hacks will interest photographers who want to sell their images and make money this way.

17. Real Estate Photography Classes NYC (CourseHorse)

Course name: “The Art and Business of Photography”
Location: New York
Cost: $445.00
Level: Digital Photography II or equivalent
Duration: 15-18 hours

Want to broaden your knowledge about different photography styles? Then, opt for this course. It concentrates on architectural and abstract genres, and also includes information about business strategies. Starting with the basics, you will gradually move to the major concept of copyright, the creation of portfolio and publications, how to come up with a catchy name in the “real estate photography near me” list and more.

18. Increase Your Salary with Photo Space (Codelimephotography)

Course name: “Mastering Real Estate & Architecture”
Location: Online
Cost: $699.00
Level: Any
Duration: Not specified

At this real estate photography class, you will get many useful printed materials about equipment, lenses, techniques for interior and exterior shooting. Besides, you will learn how to start and develop a real estate photography business and cope with photo processing on your own.

19. What Does a Real Estate Photographer Do? (Blue-Dog)

Course name: “Real Estate & Property”
Location: Tamborine Mountain, Australia
Cost: $355.00
Level: From intermediate to advanced
Duration: 6 hours

The course is divided into 2 parts – theoretical and practical. Primarily, students learn how to choose and adjust equipment, deal with lighting and exposures, handle marketing and editing tasks. Then, they move to the fieldwork. At this stage, they have to demonstrate how well they grasped theoretical material by taking images of a cottage both inside and outside.

20. Real Estate Photography Course Melbourne (Photography Courses)

real estate photography classes

Course name: “Real Estate / Architecture Photo Course Melbourne”
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Cost: $890.00
Level: From the entry-level to advanced
Duration: 2 days

Opt for this real estate photography training course if you want to get the theoretical basis and then try how the info complies with reality during practical lessons. The class is divided into 2 days. You start with gear characteristics and camera settings, and then go to the exact location and start taking photos. The last part is editing and marketing.

BONUS: Freebies for Photographers

free real estate lightroom presets

If you are just learning the ropes of the trade and need good real estate photography courses, you can try any class described above. When it comes to editing, you only need to download Lightroom on your computer, import this large collection of presets developed by our experts and let your creativity run wild. These presets are suitable for different types of images – taken with cameras and drones, inside and outside, with an HDR effect, etc.

Tani Adams

Apps Reviewer & Writer

Tani Adams is a specialist in observing and testing new apps, simplifying difficult technologies for amateurs. With a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Carleton University, Tani started her career as a tech consultant, helping businesses integrate applications to speed up their workflows. Tani likes taking part in beta testing of new apps and whenever possible, she volunteers to participate in the process.

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Tetiana Kostylieva

Photo & Video Insights Blogger

Tetiana Kostylieva is the content creator, who takes photos and videos for almost all FixThePhoto blog articles. Her career started in 2013 as a caricature artist at events. Now, she leads our editorial team, testing new ideas and ensuring the content is helpful and engaging. She likes vintage cameras and, in all articles, she always compares them with modern ones showing that it isn’t obligatory to invest in brand-new equipment to produce amazing results.

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