Flame Painter
Verdict: FlamePainter is a unique software that allows you to easily create original artworks, lighting effects, unconventional designs, and amazing backgrounds with the help of procedural brushes. Regardless if you’re a professional graphic designer, digital artist, or are just beginning your journey in the artistic world, this tool can become an essential addition to your collection.
What I truly like about Flame Painter is that the software offers hundreds of adjustable brushes as well as an array of other tools that should be in the arsenal of every artist. This tool is very convenient to use, which makes it suitable for inexperienced photographers who want to enhance the quality of their work.
Flame Painter is an award-winning drawing software that allows you to use realistic particle-based brushes that open up an endless world of new possibilities for your projects. CG artists are likely to be the ones who appreciate the potential of this software the most during the initial launch since artists who are transferring from physical media to digital tools will first have to learn how to draw using the provided realistic particle brushes.
The state-of-the-art technologies implemented in FlamePainter allow everyone interested in digital art and graphic design to experience some of the most innovative features the industry can offer. Even though this software is unlikely to replace your everyday free photo editor, like Photoshop, it can become a fantastic addition to your toolset. Flame Painter employs particle brushes to easily create original images, lighting effects, unconventional drawings, and stunning backgrounds. This software is great at breathing life into your work, as the particle brushes vibrate, move, swirl, and disappear, creating an array of interesting effects.
The particle system implemented in FlamePainter Media Paint software is unlike anything you might have used in the past. You can adjust virtually any brush parameter including its size, blending, opacity, shape, particle system, blur, etc. Such variety allows creating classic lighting effects as well as organic brushstrokes and textured shapes.
Each brushstroke you make in this software will look unique and aesthetically pleasing. By default, Flame Painter has the “Flame”, “Follow”, and “Ribbon” particle systems turned on, but you can add more of them as you see fit. Brushes with “Liner”, “Elastic”, and “Fuzzy” particles can be purchased as add-ons.
You can adjust vector brushstrokes in a single click to achieve the desired result. The software also allows importing your own vector outlines to enhance them with particle brushes. Additionally, you can import vector images in SVG format from your favorite editors like Illustrator.
Switch between brushes, edit the brush in the Brush Creator menu or pick different colors and gradients according to your design needs. Brushstrokes can be applied to imported vector paths automatically, which makes the project creation process more engaging and faster.
The Flame Painter drawing software has a tool for creating symmetrical drawings, which makes it incredibly easy to paint a beautiful symmetric artwork with any brush by applying just a couple of brushstrokes with your mouse or tablet pen. Follow your artistic intuition and pick different colors and gradients to create an engaging scene.
Now, if you want to get even more enjoyment out of this tool, draw the shapes on a vector layer and watch the design being updated as you switch between different brush presets, particle systems, colors, or gradients.
The enhanced palette panel of this graphic design software offers you a ton of new features to work with. You can pick any color from the palette, which can be displayed as RGB, HSL, HSV, or HSLuv, a special mode that preserves color brightness.
Other than that, you can pick one of the default gradients or create your own beautiful color transitions that can be saved as brush presets and later used for drawing. Finally, you can copy the color palette from one of your images onto a different project.
Even though FlamePainter exists as a separate app, if you’re using Photoshop, you can easily integrate both software. This can be achieved with the help of the Photoshop: Flame Painter Connect plugin. This connectable module allows you to exchange Flame Painter and Photoshop layers to streamline the image editing process. The plugin is compatible with all Photoshop versions staring at CC 2015.
Flame Painter is one of the best tablet drawing software that also offers full multitouch support. This means you can use it with a drawing tablet like Wacom, Microsoft, or other similar devices. You can also employ a pressure-sensitive drawing pen to have full control over the process.
FlamePainter includes a huge number of brushes that you can use and customize according to your needs. You also have access to the Flame Painter online brush library, which features hundreds of free user-created brushes that were made by developers and artists, and choose the ones you want to use for your design.
Flame Painter is available to users for $89.99 on the Escape Motions website. It includes all the key features you might need. If you just want to upgrade the software, you’ll have to pay $39.99. To test the latest version of Flame Painter directly on your PC, download the free demo version. This software is also available for iPad and iPhone devices. Additionally, you can purchase Flame Painter with the full package of particle systems for $139.99.