Freerange Photo Stock Review

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Freerange Photo Stock
Platforms: Online
Price: Free
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Verdict: Fresh images are poured daily to Freerange Photo Stock by third-party and in-house photographers. Moreover, you can filter pictures in several ways: by category, date or popularity.

As this Freerange photo stock review will show, in addition to an excellent selection of pictures, this service also monitors the quality of images. For full-time Freerange photographers, there are several rules: your photos can either be shot on Canon DSLR cameras or be 4000 dpi scans of original 35mm Nikon slides.

  • Contributed, acquired, licensed images
  • Daily collection update
  • 30 categories
  • High image quality standards
  • Materials can be used in commercial projects
  • User images may be of poor quality
freerange photo stock interface

Freerange Photo Stock is backed by an impressive community of over 725,000 registered users. In addition to the fact that on this site users can find free images for commercial and non-commercial use, photographers can also make money here. They receive income from ads that the site developers place next to their images.

Complete Freerange Photo Stock Review

freerange photo stock logo

Freerange Photo Stock has been offering users free photos, textures and illustrations for over 10 years. Since all the Freerange photo stock images are licensed for general commercial use excluding attribution, you can use them to design banners, posters, flyers, websites and books.

Multiple Image Sources

Materials get to this stock photography site in different ways: they are sent by employed professionals, bought or ordered directly from various authors, or some freelancing professionals send the images themselves for approval and publication.

In addition, the materials posted on the portal are divided into licensed and CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) photographs. Both licenses allow for the commercial use of the materials. If you find Equalicense, know that this is the company’s own license that prohibits such actions as resale or mass distribution.

Photos by Any Theme

freerange photo stock review popular themes

Freerange Photo Stock contains photos in 30 categories: news, animals, architecture, art, business, interior, etc. Here, you will find both images of beautiful landscapes, children, or even weird stock photos.

To select a category, click on the Select Category drop-down list. The most popular categories are People, Landscape, Industry, Food. Also, you can find the desired photo by typing keywords and sorting images into pictures and illustrations.

Convenient Category Search

freerange photo stock review convenient category search

After registering at Freerange photo stock, I tested the search by topic feature. You can find the desired image by examining the Newest and Popular categories. In the first one, you will find the freshest images that were recently uploaded to the site. Most often, they are grouped by subject, as users upload several similar images at once. In the second category, you will see the materials that are most frequently downloaded.

Image Quality Control

As I wrote at the beginning of this review, there are certain quality standards for the hired professionals that they adhere to. For those who want to upload their images to the site, there are also requirements: a size of at least 2400x1600 (or 1600x2400) and no more than 2 MB, embedded or separately written metadata, including photography titles. All images are pre-approved in 24-72 hours.

Extra Earnings for Photographers

freerange photo stock review extra earnings for photographers

These guys allow photographers to add their PayPal information and have a "Donate" button where users can directly donate to the photographers after using their content.

Integration with Your Application

Another interesting feature is the free photo API. You can share thousands of snapshots in your app. To do this, you need to contact the support team, and if approved, you will be provided with an API key and documentation for integration.

Freerange Photo Stock Prices

You can download any stock photo for free, without restrictions on quality and size. Moreover, you can write to customer support if you need the same photo but in a different resolution. Optionally, you can give credit to the site and/or photographer. If there is no way in which you can include the credit, you can still use these free stock photos.

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Eva Williams

Writer & Gear Reviewer

Eva Williams is a talented family photographer and software expert who is in charge of mobile software and apps testing and overviewing in the FixThePhoto team. Eva earned her Bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts from NYU and work 5+ years assisting some of the city’s popular wedding photographers. She doesn't trust Google search results and always tests everything herself, especially, much-hyped programs and apps.

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Tetiana Kostylieva

Photo & Video Insights Blogger

Tetiana Kostylieva is the content creator, who takes photos and videos for almost all FixThePhoto blog articles. Her career started in 2013 as a caricature artist at events. Now, she leads our editorial team, testing new ideas and ensuring the content is helpful and engaging. She likes vintage cameras and, in all articles, she always compares them with modern ones showing that it isn’t obligatory to invest in brand-new equipment to produce amazing results.

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