Photography titles are used for expanding and explaining the additional meaning behind a photo, for digging deeper into the shot. Your titles should always complete the image and help viewers understand it better.
Photo titles are an important part of any image and choosing them has always been a difficult task for most photographers. Let me help you with that.
Photo titles have to be related to the image itself and the author, as only then you can achieve the perfect combination of textual and visual information.
Help identify the image: best used for photos that have hidden subtext, which is obvious only to the creator of the image.
Uncover hidden meanings: best used in situations when you need to convey something deeper than is immediately apparent in the photo.
Complement the subject: best choice for simple, easily-understandable photos, which need to be expanded, for instance, a lion picture can be called the king of the jungle.
Are you working with winter landscape photography and don’t know how to title a photograph? A frozen winter lake resembles a mirror that offers a perfect reflection, which is why the Icy mirror title is a perfect fit for all photos taken near frozen bodies of water.
Did you manage to take a breathtaking photo of a rare natural phenomenon? You can use photos titles like “Struggle of two elements” for such images, as that’s a battle that has been going on for eternity: fire and water, earth and wind, all fall under this name.
Did you manage to take a rare picture of a lightning strike in an urban photography environment, but have trouble figuring out how to name photos? To convey the mysterious and surreal nature of the scene, I suggest naming it the “Wrath of heaven,” as the sky rarely releases monstrously powerful lightning strikes unless it’s really angry.
Trees continue to grow for a very long time, which is why they witness thousands of people touching them or simply passing by. Some trees grow for 400-500 years and truly convey the spirit of the ancestors. It’s no coincidence that a page with photos of an entire family is called the family tree.
Sadly, many interesting traditions are lost as centuries go by. In the photo, you can see how people still follow the traditions of their tribes. While not all of them are pleasant, they remember their ancestors and value their religion and culture.
Leopards rarely kill animals and only do so to feed themselves and their offspring. To avoid wasting energy on hunting, they always attack from a hiding place. The “Hidden hunter” highlights the nature and the point of such a photo.
To spawn, the salmon has to pass a lot of obstacles and rapids. This fish is capable of doing everything it takes to leave behind offspring, which will also later join the deadly battle against nature to ensure its survival.
Humanity has a lot of unsolved riddles from the past that can’t be simply explained. That’s why the “Riddles of Eternity” title picture fits this type of photo the best. Such a title will reveal the meaning of the photo and will make the viewer reflect on eternal questions.
The first steps are often clumsy and funny, regardless of whether we’re talking about a human or an animal, so there’s no need to come up with something unusual or complicated for such photos. You should come up with photos titles ideas that complement the subject in a simple, comprehensive manner.
Macro photos are becoming increasingly more popular as they prove that beauty is in the details. Such a photo title highlights the heart of the picture and points to the fact that you can find something new to marvel at every time you look at it.
How to name a photo of a rising sun with a beautiful landscape in a background? There’s no need to come up with something witty or complicated, as looking at such photos should evoke feelings of relaxation and ease and the name should do the same. That’s why the “New Day” title is a perfect choice for such images.
Many people have phobias and fear spiders, snakes, bugs, and plenty of other creatures. If you have a good or funny photo of any of those animals and don’t know how to name it, “Look Fear in the Eye” is a great title, as it’s the only occasion when it’s not terrifying for the viewer to do so.
If you have plenty of pictures that would benefit from unusual and beautiful photography titles, you’ll also have to edit them. You can do that easily and conveniently by using presets that I’ve prepared below.
After downloading this collection, you’ll be able to use such presets as Majestic Landscapes, HDR Real Estate, Interior Photography, Wedding Classic, and many others. These presets will help you perform color correction quickly and easily.