Gurushots Review 2025 – Is It Worth Money

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Platforms: Win, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS
Price: Free
gurushots logo

Verdict: Gurushots is a photo app that connects and unites photographers from all over the world since 2014. Using it, you can compete with other people by posting your photos and pictures. Some also call it a Guru Shots photo game.

Despite the shortcomings in the voting system, Gurushots remains popular due to the monetary reward for winning and prizes in the form of bonuses for further participation in this game. It is possible to become a winner in different categories: Best Photo, Best Photographer and Guru’s choice.

  • Doesn’t add watermarks to photos
  • Ability to create your own gallery
  • Daily task updates
  • Free participation in competitions is possible
  • Getting valuable prizes for winning
  • Presence of video tips for photo ideas
  • Plenty of ads
  • Only one swop is free
  • No constructive criticism for users’ photos
gurushots interface

This photo app is equally perfect for novice and experienced photographers. With a simple and intuitive interface, users can showcase their shots to millions of photographers from all over the world and get instant Gurushots rewards and comments. With daily task updates, users can choose the one that is closest to the theme of their work.

You will be able to increase your rating as a photographer and not only vote for shots but also create your own contests and choose the winners personally. If you purchase additional features, you can get feedback from other photographers: comments, ideas, tips and more.

Complete Gurushots Review

gurushots logo

To begin this Gurushots review, I should say that you will be satisfied with this service since it uses the game form to help photographers around the world develop their skills. It supports the highest quality image file formats, offers the ability to upload shots not only from the library but also from any social network. Gurushots may be used from the PC, as well as any mobile phone, as this service is supported by all well-known platforms.

Ease of Use

Anyone will be able to participate in Gurushots. You need to register either on the main website or via Facebook/Instagram/email. Then you can take part in different contests and upload shots taken with the smartphone or DSLR camera in order to win or boost photographic skills. Participants from all over the world are ready to share their work and ideas so that even a novice can become a professional.

9 Skill Levels

With Gurushots levels, you can reach the Master Guru rank by going through 9 steps. You will start with level 1 as a beginner. If you participate in challenges and post photos, you will gain experience. Every photographer has the same possibilities since the voting is blind. Then, Gurushots will track your individual progress and will assign you a new skill level. You can become a real Guru and come up with your own contests and pick the winner.

Real Rewards for Winning

real prizes in gurushots

By playing Gurushots, you gain the opportunity to get real valuable prizes for participating in contests. Thanks to a large number of sponsors, Gurushots winners may receive $200, $300 and a super prize of $600, as well as great accessories for photographers from such companies as Adobe, Kodak, B&H, Adorama, Polaroid and Skylum.

Fair Voting System

In order to vote for other photos in contests, you need to be their participant as well. The more you vote, the more attention you will attract to your work. But you need to know that the right to vote depends on your skill level: 1 novice vote – 1 vote, 1 Guru Master vote – 9 votes.

By leaving your vote and rating under the photo, you can see how other photographers rated the same work. Also, you will see how many votes you are missing till the desired victory or new status.

Automatic Participation in the “Novice of the Week” Contest

photo from the competition gurushots

During registration, Gurushots offers you to pick several photos to upload automatically. The selected shots are immediately included in the contest “Novice of the week”. This makes it possible to immediately experience all the intrigues and excitement in anticipation of victory.

But for some, this is the beginning of the end, because their photos don’t immediately become popular, and they decide not to participate in this game anymore. If you have lasted one week, you will experience a lot of new emotions and feelings.

Worldwide Popularity

If you don’t want to wait a long time until you start gaining more popularity, you can pay a little money and that’s it. For a few dollars, you can place your work at the top of the list of photos participating in the competition and be sure that all the viewers saw your photos and voted fairly.

Since many people can participate in the contest, there may be more than 1000 photos. Not everyone will want to view all of them and will just vote for the first ones they like. So, your work may be ignored.

Stable Schedule of Exhibitions

exhibitions organized by gurushots

Users have the opportunity not only to participate in competitions but also to become participants of the Gurushots exhibition regularly held by the service. To do this, you need to win a competition or take prizes, and you will be able to choose which exhibition you want to participate in.

The exhibitions are held in many cities: Barcelona, Lisbon, Stockholm, Berlin, Budapest and others. There is a large number of participants and viewers, which will allow you to share your experience and learn something new from visiting such exhibitions or photography workshops.

Presence of Various Competitions

Another thing I need to note in my Gurushots review is that by registering in this game, you can take part in a large number of contests: Posed Moments, Reflecting Surfaces, The Golden Light, and others. They involve a huge number of people – from 3 to 5 thousand people in one. So you can see various works from all over the world and find ideas for travel photography, as well as from the best landscape photographers.

Rare Photography Skills

A huge number of decent photographs creates a great competition, which forces participants to constantly improve themselves. This app is a good way to develop your photography skills with an incentive to create top-notch pictures. If you don’t improve your craft, then your rating will gradually lower, and the photos will fall to the bottom of the list.

Extensive Library of Articles

Are you interested in materials on various photography related topics? Then go to the library of Gurushots articles that contains answers to your questions. You will discover where exhibitions are held, how to start shooting indoors, a guide to creating a photo, and much more information.

Gurushots – Mobile Version

Gurushots Mobile App
Platforms: Android, iOS
Price: Free
gurushots logo
gurushots mobile version

If you often use Gurushots, but you can’t always work in front of the PC, then you may download a mobile version of this photo app. With this version, it is possible to add photos from different social networks, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter directly to your profile, and then use them to participate in various competitions. You can also share the best photos from the gallery and show them to the largest number of viewers.

Using this mobile app for free, you can evaluate the work of other photographers, give them ratings and participate in voting. Besides, you will receive ratings for your work and comments from more experienced photographers with their personal opinions. You will regularly receive video tips with great ideas for your new photos.

Gurushots Prices

Gurushots may be used for free on the Internet or as a mobile app for a smartphone. You can upload photos for free, participate in contests and even get real prizes.

But sometimes in order to win, you will have to use the Gurushots store. There you can buy the keys you need or the ability to raise your photos to the top of the list. A key that helps you add one extra photo to the contest costs $2.99. Replacing one not good enough photo in the contest costs $0.99.

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Eva Williams

Writer & Gear Reviewer

Eva Williams is a talented family photographer and software expert who is in charge of mobile software and apps testing and overviewing in the FixThePhoto team. Eva earned her Bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts from NYU and work 5+ years assisting some of the city’s popular wedding photographers. She doesn't trust Google search results and always tests everything herself, especially, much-hyped programs and apps.

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Tetiana Kostylieva

Photo & Video Insights Blogger

Tetiana Kostylieva is the content creator, who takes photos and videos for almost all FixThePhoto blog articles. Her career started in 2013 as a caricature artist at events. Now, she leads our editorial team, testing new ideas and ensuring the content is helpful and engaging. She likes vintage cameras and, in all articles, she always compares them with modern ones showing that it isn’t obligatory to invest in brand-new equipment to produce amazing results.

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