What is SVG file?
SVG is one of the best-known XML-based vector formats. One of its main advantages is that you can easily display high-resolution images without any quality loss. Besides, SVG has little weigh as opposed to other formats. That is exactly the reason why this format is used for websites to create icon design, logotypes, and user interface elements.
Can I convert JPEG files into SVG?
Yes. If you choose this SVG creator online, you will be able to upload an image in any format, including
JPEG. As soon as you finish your work, you can export the image.
How can I export the finished work to SVG?
When you finish modifying your image in the SVG editor, you need to press the “File” button, then “Export as” and select the format you need, in particular SVG.
Which tools can I use to edit SVG file?
Working with this online SVG editor you may delete unnecessary objects from the background, adjust the transparency, the placement of logotypes, borders, fill color, blur filter, etc.
Though, if you feel that your skills are not enough and you need to prepare a high-quality background being cleared in the right way to use it for your webpage or blog, you may refer to
professional background services.